
Showing posts from September, 2022

Seeds of Knowledge: Gaia Herbs®

We are all connected through this green Earth that surrounds and supports us. I promise to share information and original recipes and to get out into the wild for ingredients. My love is food, my passion is herbs and my gift is writing and photographing them. Have you ever asked yourself what you can do with herbs after you've made tea, infused oils, tinctures, vinegars, and honeys? Here are some fun ways to upcycle the remaining plant material, often called the “marc,” into other fine uses and crafts. With its citrusy aroma and quilted lime-green leaves, lemon balm brightens our gardens and kitchens alike. The Dancing Herbalist, LLC is a topical herbal products company that specializes in product to support athletes and individuals with a variety of skin challenges. For professional herbalists we can make custom herbal products. Study herbal medicine online with the Australian School Of Herbal Medicine & receive training on herbal medicine & natural therapies. Learn ab